Reading Club

When I was a graduate student, my Ph.D. group consisted mostly of international students, and my group members would often ask me for help with writing. Although my English isn’t perfect, I’ve lived here long enough that I mostly feel comfortable writing papers in English. I learned from one of my high school teachers that reading is actually the most effective way to improve writing (, rather than writing more, so I created a weekly reading club where we will discuss a well-written article (e.g., from New York Times, Atlantic, New Yorker, etc. - this is not a journal club) while eating our own lunch.

The purpose of this reading club is for everyone to have great discussions during lunchtime while improving his/her/their command of the English language. I purposefully did not make this into a book club since reading an entire book might be overwhelming for most of us.

Reading clubs will be held weekly in Bainer 3118. Please email sahn at if you would like to join the weekly email listserv.